Monday, June 9, 2008

Three Vices

Three vices is a series of objects as retribution for three vices.

When speaking of habits, our innate flaws cannot be ignored - the bad habits we become subservient to. In such a case do we need products that attempt to rehabilitate, making us more aware?

The Tempula Point : for Perpetual Verbosity

This device restrains one from talking too much. The wire goes under the chin brace, through the
pulley to the pointed angles on the temple. When the user moves the mouth to speak, the pulley moves the angle to press points on the temple, causing pain. In order to avoid the recurring pain the user is forced to talk as little as possible.

The Tongue Rein : for Excessive Profanity

The Horn Mouth
: for Malicious Gossiping

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Perfectionist Table

The table is a response to the behaviourial patterns of people inhibited with a fear of imperfection . The compulsion to be perfect greatly influences their relationship with the objects that surround them.

The table uses the dimensions of the human body as a standard of measurement to map behaviour & visualize the use and abuse of an object(the table) by an individual.

The emotional state of a person changes through out the day, due to various factors, both personal and impersonal. For an individual spending extensive amount of time in the work place, having objects that are adapted to their state of mind & body behaviour seems only logical.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

To illustrate my philosophy I’ve designed a range of products titled ‘I have a habit… and one such collection examines various ways in which people indulge food in everyday living.


The Habit Cutlery is a set of specialist tools for eating. Designed to suit an individuals own specific technique of eating food.

Picky Fork

Designed for individuals with the habit of picking one food item at a time, the sliced edge makes sure the user is only allowed to eat in this specific manner.

Equalizer knife
Double edged for each perfectly sized bite:
Efficient, precise & easy

Sneak spoon

Double layered for deceiving others, the spoon looks fairly innocent on first glance, but for the second spoon hidden underneath, allowing the user to be covertly greedy.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Design for contextual living

Most rules for social interaction and behaviour can almost be considered ‘archaic’ in the present dominion of limited personal & limitless virtual spaces. Compounded, by the volatility of today’s world, people are forced to instinctively live within their comfort zone, with a subconscious adherence to a personal preference devoid of accepted logical reasoning.
I’ve often come across people who are adamantly quirky - exhibiting an odd, curious, peculiar behaviour that would most definitely entertain at least one raised eyebrow in polite society…….

‘A man wakes up in the morning, automatically looks towards the left to open his eyes, then gingerly gets up from the left side of the bed, wears his slippers on the left foot first, makes sure his footing is left before the right while walking …..even picks the newspaper with the left hand before carefully unfolding to the right!

Perhaps, intellectual dialogue and psychological musing would term these as a - personality flaw, a character trait, or a dysfunction and more commonly it would elicit a bewildered “Weirdo!!” response. Still, time and again, I’ve stumbled upon a fascinating new imperfection, unequivocally redefining their individual owner through them.

Being an individual inherently implies embodying imperfections. So really, it’s not entirely absurd to suggest a space for such curios in pragmatic living. To use this perfect - imperfect paradox as inspiration for objects created for people sharing similar oddities.
Using individuals' imperfections and quirks as unique personality traits and, even serving as a brand identity for that person, since we automatically associate people we know with their habits.

Creating products to satisfy a growing demand for personalization and individualization – celebrating individual lived through design.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My very first Blog!

These fingers have finally begun to tip-toe the keys, printing recognizable language and this after setting up three previous unrealized accounts. In every earlier attempt, the blank white screen had left me a blank head, intimidating me; leaving me with the following predicament : 'Choosing' to write 'something'.

Marking my Territory :

Since I've spent quite few years of my life training as a product designer, and because I know little else, all my ramblings shall, irrevocably be funneled through 'a' design perspective.....


a BAIT is :
Something that attracts, especially with the promise of pleasure or reward: allurement, come-on, enticement, inducement, invitation, lure, seduction, temptation. Something that leads one into a place or situation from which escape is difficult: lure, snare, trap. To excite (another) by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach: tantalize, tease.

the BAIT is:
Any decision to undertake a design activity ( independent of the inevitability of broke-dom) often starts with an 'idea', a design 'instinct' that starts tingling oft a mere suggestion, while the brain sparking possibilities, gears up for the adrenalin, turning stray opportunity into a great design. And that which ignites, is DESIGN BAIT.

and for me as a designer as well as a user - the right BAIT is irrepressible.