Design for contextual living
I’ve often come across people who are adamantly quirky - exhibiting an odd, curious, peculiar behaviour that would most definitely entertain at least one raised eyebrow in polite society…….
‘A man wakes up in the morning, automatically looks towards the left to open his eyes, then gingerly gets up from the left side of the bed, wears his slippers on the left foot first, makes sure his footing is left before the right while walking …..even picks the newspaper with the left hand before carefully unfolding to the right!
Perhaps, intellectual dialogue and psychological musing would term these as a - personality flaw, a character trait, or a dysfunction and more commonly it would elicit a bewildered “Weirdo!!” response. Still, time and again, I’ve stumbled upon a fascinating new imperfection, unequivocally redefining their individual owner through them.
Being an individual inherently implies embodying imperfections. So really, it’s not entirely absurd to suggest a space for such curios in pragmatic living. To use this perfect - imperfect paradox as inspiration for objects created for people sharing similar oddities.
Using individuals' imperfections and quirks as unique personality traits and, even serving as a brand identity for that person, since we automatically associate people we know with their habits.
Creating products to satisfy a growing demand for personalization and individualization – celebrating individual lived through design.